Saturday, August 11, 2012


Find me still. Still and tranquil.
For what more I to stir?
Taste buds of my being, I can't taste you.
Neither sweet nor bitter.
No sense of you
Not hot, no cold
But I see you
I saw myself
And I here still. Still.
For what more I to stir?

**they say there is a time for everything. a time to stay, a time to move on. a time to laugh a time to cry. a time to persevere, a time to give up. when all means have been used up, sometimes the best way to go is to be still and allow things to happen

Saturday, August 4, 2012

Caught in a Glance

In the blink and blitz of your glance,
I am blanched.
It leaves me wondering.
Are you seeing me?
or are your thoughts
of afar?
In the blink and blitz –
of those glances,
In such quick and quick glances
are a quiet, quick sand
Slowly still
Devouring my concentration.
It has drawn me deeper,
caught me struggling
In that puzzling wonder
Did you see – me?

**stolen glances may last but a millisecond but they leave you wondering for a stretched length of time.